American Heroes - Medical Professionals

Our Military is filled with American Heroes.

Anyone in our Military forces can be called upon at any moment to fight (and sometimes die).

Same thing for our First Responders. They go to work every day not knowing if they will come home.

Sadly not as recognized, our doctors, nurses, staff, researchers, and everyone working hard in the Medical Industry are just as deserving of our thanks, because they are American Heroes too.

Our Medical Professionals protect our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Often it is their dedication, competence, and heroic effort that make the difference, and bring our loved ones home alive and well.

Our Medical Professionals often risk their own lives in this endeavor. Recall how many lost their lives to Covid trying to save others. They often spent 80 hours a week laboring, sometimes in vain, trying to keep our love ones alive, only to fall victim to Covid themselves. That was less than 5 years ago, and it has already faded from the news.

Not only that, teams of Medical Researchers, dedicated Tech Scientists and Engineers, and Health Industry professionals are, as we speak, devoting their entire lives to the effort to finally create cures for cancer, old age, diseases of every kind, and to regenerate and rejuvenate our bodies and tissues.

It's almost unimaginable, but the end of aging and disease, and the ability to repair almost any sort of injury, is still for most of us a fantastical, science-fiction dream that might never happen.

Until it does, very likely while most of us are still alive to enjoy it.

It should be a reminder that people everywhere, our family, friends, and neighbors, often work in professions that deserve just as much respect for the lives they save, the hard work they do, and how they make our lives so much better.

So let's be clear. None of this takes away from the bravery and self-sacrifice of our Military and First Responders (many of whom are also Medical Professionals). What I hope it does though, is remind us all how lucky we are to live in such a magical time.

A time that most of us thought was impossible:

To dream of living into a future so bright, so wonderful, that we will rejoice every single second we're alive!